i just watched this movie, on lifetime. as you can see from the title of this post it was called acceptance. it was about a group of high school seniors deciding on which colleges they should apply to, which they would attend and what the perfect school for them would be. that was what the movie appeared to be about, but it had a deeper message: to accept yourself, your life, your mistakes, your regrets and everything that has gotten you to the point that you are at the moment and to realize that there is a brighter tomorrow and although you cannot always make a U turn in life, you can always find an alternative path that leads you to the same destination. one character in the movie really stood out to me, her name was Taylor, the reason she stood out to me is because in so many ways she resembled me. taylor had issues at home, and blamed them for the mistakes she made and the pain she felt and also blamed her delusional and absentee father for the failures that she made in life and for her grades not being the best that they could be. she cut herself and stole others mail to distract her from the pain that she was feeling. the reason i say that she reminded me of myself is not because of her cutting habit( oh no!!! i am too afraid of pain to go through that) but because so many times, i have felt like a failure and i have blamed my unperfect family for those feelings, i have always felt that my mom did not deserve a failure of a daughter like i was, or i felt that maybe if i was perfect then my dad would love me more, or my mom would be with me. point of the story is i blamed my circumstances that now looking at them were not that horrible, but nonetheless i have blamed them for the mistakes i have made. i blamed having a job on not having the perfect grade average, or not making good enough grades. i blamed not being able to have a 4.0 on the fact that my family put too much pressure on me. i did all these things because i was not able to accept the fact that things happen and life is not perfect. i forgot that people must still work hard for whatever it is they want out of life regardless of what happened to them or whether or not their parents were not in their lives. but i am thinking maybe my acceptance came a bit too late.
at the end of the movie, taylor gets into the school that she wants to go to, harry who father has always wanted him to go to harvard, is accepted to maryland(by the way my school whoop whoop...well not really...) on a full scholarship. he realizes that the school that you attend does not guarantee that you would be less screwed up when you grew up or more stable...it just looks good on your resume! at the end of the day the fact that you can accept who you are as a whole and accept your parents and everyone around for who and what they are( people that will never cease to annoy your life) then you have done a great job so far at life...the other half is another story...
toodles people
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