i am doing a 3 day fast to reconnect or rather connect with myself, find some things about myself, settle some things, of course i know i won't accomplish this in three days but maybe i could get some clarity on where to go in life, how to go about it, what it is i need to let go and strength necessary in doing so! the fast is three days, no food...only water and natural juices, during these days i would try to meditate and look inside of me, even the parts that i somehow always avoid looking at because they are not the most attractive of me. a good person told me we seek to please others because there is a part of us we haven't satisfied yet. i want to be satisfied and beyond satisfied with me first. i can't do anyone any good if i cannot do that.
i will detail the three days and the feelings that i experience, the things i want to change, the things that are hard for me, the things i need clarity on, i will detail them here as each day passes.
peace love and blessings