how do you know if you are beautiful? this question really bothers me from time to time as i try to define my beauty? am i pretty? cute? when it comes to these questions i am just mute. some say confidence is the sexiest thing in a woman, but why is it that ppl still care about your body type, or about all the media hype. what are the characterictics of being ugly i ask myself? are there guidelines that you are supposed to follow in order to know whether or not you fit into the beauty box? i am not saying these are the things are primordial in my life but sometimes i need reassurance. i was not raised in a home where beauty was primordial and in a way i grew up thinking that if i am smart then nothing else matters, and i would rather be smart then be pretty anyday, but sometimes those feelings get sawyed in a sea of pretty girls walking all around me, and i start to wonder well do my brain even matter when all people seem to notice are the pretty faces and bodies walking around? do i even exist when surrounded by beautiful women around me? what makes me stand out? if appearnces are the first impression and first impressions are all that really matters, should i spend more time working on my appearance than i do working on my interior? i mean after all people do not notice your interior but after they have admired your exterior. should i even be worrying about all of this? i dont know. how am i supposed to feel worthy when all around me i see faces i would kill to have, bodies i would give any amount of money for. do these questions mean i am not happy with who i am? or the way i look? of course not...i am comfortable in my body but like many people out there, there are things i would love to change about it. in the mean time i am just as confused about the way i am supposed to feel about myself when every moment of my waking day i see someone that i wish i could look like or i am swamped with pictures of beautiful models in a magazine.